Monday, May 14, 2007

Milo's Bad Day.

Let me start off with saying that Milo is doing well, and is going to recover fine.

Milo was over at a relatives yesterday and got bit by a much bigger dog than him. The bite is just under his left eye, on his cheek I guess you could say. We rushed him to the Vet Hospital where they sewed him up and let us know that his eye nor his mouth was damaged in the attack.

Milo's hangin' in there, he's got a little cone on his head (much like Tanner here) and even though he's gotta be in obvious pain he's doing really good.

Niki and I have decided not to post any pics of Milo in his current state, for obvious reasons, so we will continue daily blogging of Milo once he gets closer to full recovery. I'll keep the blog updated with news on how the big guy is doing but I'm going to keep these progress update sans pictures so you'll know once you start seeing pics again that Milo is ready to show off again.

Thanks for everybody's support, like I said Milo is doing well, and if anybody wants to stop by and see him you're more than welcome, he still loves visitors!

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