Tuesday, April 15, 2008

A Year In Blogging: A Look Back.

Let's start this post off proper with a fresh new pic of Milo, since as of today I've been blogging about Milo everyday for one year. It's been a long interesting year, filled with milestones and events I never expected.

Sunday: April 1st, 2007

We Meet Milo For The First Time.

Niki and I's first visit to go see Milo and check out the breeder. This was also the first day that I started the blog, although I didn't start daily blogging till we got Milo home two weeks later.

Milo Comes Home.

Milo comes home. His first car ride is 3 hours long but he does just fine, he was the main attraction every time we stopped for a potty break. Milo also found his first toy in the car, my Lance Armstrong bracelet. It didn't take too long till he could tear them to shreds.

Milo Meets Tanner And Eddie.

Milo gets to meet my parents dogs for the first time, Tanner (left) and Eddie (right). Tanner is not much for playing anymore but Eddie and Milo become instant best friends and the mere mention of going to see "the boys" gets Milo going crazy.

Monday: April 23rd, 2007

Milo Is Sitting At 9 Weeks.

After just 9 weeks (two weeks after we got him) Milo is already sitting. But hey, he'll do anything for food.

Sunday: May 5th, 2007

Cinco De Mayo

Niki and I threw our first party in our new apartment for Cinco De Mayo (Happy birthday Josh!) and it was the first time some of our friends got to meet Milo. Yeah, that's Milo trying to steal a cookie out of my mouth.

Monday: May 14th, 2007

Milo's Bad Day.

Mother's Day was not a good day for Milo. Milo ended up getting bit just under his left eye by a relatives dog. We took him to the vet and had him stitched up and they sent Milo home with a great big cone on his head.

Milo has turned out just fine, with no long lasting problems from the ordeal. He is still as brave as ever to go play with and meet new dogs.

Milo Gets His Cone Off.

This was the day that Milo finally got to take his cone off for good. As you can tell, he wasn't a huge fan of it.

Wednesday: July 11th, 2007

Milo's Meets the iPhone.

The iPhone. (You know I had to throw some tech item in here at some point, I write about that a lot too.) With the iPhone I've been able to take tons more pictures than I ever would have before. I would always forget or not want to lug my camera around with me everywhere I went. So while not the best camera in the world (2 mega pixels) it's great for a pinch when Milo is doing something cute and I forgot my "real" camera.

Sunday: August 5th, 2007

Milo Is Featured On The www.Dailypuppy.com

Milo went from just having his own personal blog to being featured on a real big-time website! Milo was featured on wwwdailypuppy.com in their August section. The editors like Milo so much they even featured Milo in the video section! They did a whole week of Milo videos!

Milo's First Haircut.

Milo gets his first haircut. I think we've still got a ways to go till we get that nice round Westie head.

Sunday: December 16th, 2007

Milo's First Snow.

We had two first on this day: Milo's first snow, and my first surgery. I had an emergency appendectomy (good thing I work in an ER) and everything turned out just fine.

Saturday: December 22nd, 2007

The Engagement.

This was a big day for Milo's family, Niki and I got engaged! It's hard enough to plan one wedding but try two! We're doing a traditional wedding here and then we'll be flying off and have a destination wedding in Mexico!

The "Faux Hawk"

Milo's "Faux Hawk" became an instant fan favorite, and is currently my desktop background. It happened by pure accident too, Clif was just messing with Milo fur and ta-da the Faux Hawk was born.

Milo's 1st Birthday!

Milo's first birthday was a grand occasion filled with a trip to Petsmart and lots of pictures. Make sure you check out this article.

Thursday: March 13th, 2008

Milo And The Slide

One of my favorite Milo videos, he defiantly loves going down the slide.

Well there you have some of the highlight's over the past year in blogging. Our thanks goes out to all of you that read about Milo whether it's everyday or just once a week. I still haven't decided when I'm going to stop blogging about him everyday, but it's still a ways off that's for sure. Let's see if I can last another year at this pace.

Be sure to click here to see all of my favorite Milo articles, I couldn't post all 80 in this post.


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