Friday, February 29, 2008

Tim And Milo.

I grabbed a quick pic of Tim and Milo just before we headed out for our first night on the town, here in Indiana.


Thursday, February 28, 2008

Milo And I Are Off To Indy!

About 2 or 3 times a year I head up to Indiana to visit friends I have up there. This is the first time I've gone up since we've had Milo.

I brought some of Milo toys for the road trip, and he spent some quality time trying to destroy them in the car.

And of course he still manages to get his ball stuck somewhere...

Then of course Milo ends up sleeping most of the trip, never even offering to drive.


Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Ready For Summer.

During the summer, Milo used to go out on the patio every morning and lay in the sun. I keep telling him it's to cold to go outside now but he doesn't listen...


Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Staying In To Stay Warm.

Milo cuddles up with Niki for a cold, snowy night. Where's my invite?


Monday, February 25, 2008

Ball Time.

As part of Milo's Birthday Extravaganza, we picked up a couple new tennis balls.

Niki wanted to wait and give them to him one at a time, but that's just not my style. I want everything and I want it now, so I hooked Milo up with both balls.

The problem was Milo wasn't (isn't) ever satisfied with having just one toy in his mouth anymore.

So alas, he ran around the apartment trying to catch them both and I just didn't have the heart to tell him it just won't work out...


Sunday, February 24, 2008

After The Party.

After Milo's party and after a nice warm bath, Milo wasn't up for much today. But at least we got one picture of him clean...


Saturday, February 23, 2008

Milo's B-Day Party!

We had a special party for Milo's 1st birthday with some old and new friends.

Milo: The birthday boy.

Jake: The Australian Shepard mix of my cousin Garrett.

Bear: The lab mix of my friend Mike.

Eddie: Everyone knows who Eddie is!

Tanner: Tanner was my first dog, and unfortunately I couldn't get any good shots of him at the party so I just grabbed an old favorite.

First we have a meet and greet to let the dogs get to know each other.

It doesn't take long for them to get off and running.

We threw a few toys into the mix and hilarity ensued. The ball was just a little too big and a little too slick for Bear to get a hold of.

Even the "old man" Tanner got in on the fun, with the running and chasing.

We got home and we I gave Milo a nice hot bath. After that, he picked quiet a strange place to take a nap...


Friday, February 22, 2008

Sprawled Out.

Niki got some great shots of Milo lounging around today.

With the both of them snowed-in, what else is there to do?


Thursday, February 21, 2008

Lion Skin Rug.

Milo's newest toy works perfect as a 'Lion' skin rug.

Looks like Milo has different ideas though...


Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Milo's 1st Birthday! Picture Extravaganza!

February 20, 2007 was the day Milo and his 5 brothers were born, this makes Milo one years old today!

So Niki and I took Milo birthday shopping at Petsmart for some birthday shenanigans.

We let him go through all the isles so he could pick out the toy he wanted.

This one made a lot (too much) noise, and Milo would've de-stuffed it in 30 minutes anyways...

"Milo, there's no toys in there..."

This ball would've been a great toy, but just in the time he had it at the store it was looking pretty rough. Sorry Petsmart!

Now here's a toy; the tag says that it's virtually indestructible, with 3 times the stitches and reinforced seams. We'll see how long it lasts with Milo...

Milo did get to share his big day with a quite a big dog. Yeah, that's a dog...

We did see some others on our trip through the store, although these cats seemed way more interested in Milo than he did in the cats.

Some more shenanigans showed up when Milo went looking for a ball he 'misplaced'...

Nope. Not there.

I had to come to the rescue, just he could lose it again. It's just like having a kid...

Speaking of youth, no that's not a mirror, we ran into a 4 month old Westie while perusing the store.

Needless to say they got along great, if only they could keep their leashes untangled...

In my hand is a new tennis ball for Milo to fling about the house.

On the way home Milo decided to jump in the back seat.

It turns out his motive for getting back there was to play with his new toys...

Although he's a year old we've only had him for about 10 months or so, and boy has it been a blast. I started the blog on April 1st, 2007 when we first went down to the breeders and met Milo for the first time. But April 15th, 2007 is the first day Milo came home and the first official day of the blog. So keep an eye for April 15th this year, and not just for your taxes... I'll have a big Milo recap, going through all the crazy events and pictures that took place throughout the year in blogging everyday about Milo.

I want to thank everyone who comes and visits Milo (whether in person or on the web), I love that we get to share him with so many people everyday. I love getting all the comments and pictures/stories of the readers dogs too, so keep sending those in as well.

For more great puppies make sure to check out and as well.
