Doesn't Bolt remind you a bit of somebody...
I can't wait to see this movie, you think they'll let me sneak the boys in?
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Daily Milo is not quite so "daily" anymore but expect frequent updates about Milo and Dexter's adventures through life.
Doesn't Bolt remind you a bit of somebody...
I can't wait to see this movie, you think they'll let me sneak the boys in?
Visit Dexter's iPhoto Gallery.
Visit Dexter's iPhoto Gallery.
Visit Dexter's iPhoto Gallery.
Well my buddy Clif came over last night and to keep up with tradition, he gave Dexter a Faux Hawk just like he did to Milo some months ago. How do you like Dexter's black tips?
This is the most commented on picture of Milo to this day.
Visit Dexter's iPhoto Gallery.