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Daily Milo is not quite so "daily" anymore but expect frequent updates about Milo and Dexter's adventures through life.
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Perfect Pose.
Monday, December 22, 2008
Settling In To The New House.
Although the boys don't love the hardwood in the house, they're making the best of it. We've just added a few rugs that the boys use as little "islands" to get from room to room. Oh, and they're loving the nice big yard too! Now if only they would stop running around the cul-de-sac...
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Santa Comes Early.

Well Santa came early to visit the boys, but I'm thinking he regretted his trip...

Milo and Dexter wouldn't leave poor Santa alone, they just kept biting and chewing on him. Although it was sort of Santa's fault, he had squeakers in his arms and legs.

As you can see, they really liked Santa!
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Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Dexter's First Snow.
So Dexter got his first real dose of snow today, and it didn't slow him down one bit.
He even decided to lay around in it! Dogs must have a different thermostat than humans because I was freezing!
Here's a great action shot of the boys running in the snow, oh that Dexter, he's a wild one.
PS: Sorry about the long delay in posting, but in between moving into our first house, and starting a new job these last two months have been crazy. I promise to start posting more often.
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