Dexter & Milo With The Frisbee from Justin Winchester on Vimeo.
Click through to Vimeo to see the HD version.
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Daily Milo is not quite so "daily" anymore but expect frequent updates about Milo and Dexter's adventures through life.
Dexter & Milo With The Frisbee from Justin Winchester on Vimeo.
Click through to Vimeo to see the HD version.
Visit Dexter's iPhoto Gallery.
Visit Dexter's iPhoto Gallery.
Visit Dexter's iPhoto Gallery.
Visit Dexter's iPhoto Gallery.
Dexter and Milo got some sweaters for the cold winter months here in St. Louis.
Milo's rockin' the argyle and Dexter has the one strip.
They don't seem to mind the sweaters to bad, we'll see how long they last.
Visit Dexter's iPhoto Gallery.