Thursday, May 31, 2007

Milo Loves Peanut Butter. (Who Doesn't?)

Milo got his first taste of Peanut butter today, is there anything funnier than watching a dog work to eat all the peanut butter?

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Milo And His (New) Girlfriend.


This is Milo's girlfriend, don't worry he knows how to treats her. He's been known to drags takes her around the apartment, he also likes to bark talk to her for hours, and last but not least they seem to always get around to humping rough housing together. It's a match made in heaven, well as long as he doesn't tear one of her legs off...

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Coulter's Visit.

Well, here's Josh (Coulter) being Josh...

Looks like Milo got him back!

Monday, May 28, 2007

Comfy Time.

How come I can never seem to get as comfy as dogs look???

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Milo's New Trick!

Here he is folks, the smartest dog in the world... Sitting at 9 weeks old, and now shaking at 12 weeks. The reason I starting laughing in the first video is cause he gives me the opposite paw that we've been working with. He's already trying to move on to my next trick!

Well, even with every light on in the living room the second video still came out dark somehow... My camera really sucks for video anyway, it might be time to look into a new one. At any rate you can still see Milo hooking me up with his paw, a bite to the face hasn't slowed this guy down!

Milo And Big Mike.

Hey if you come over and you hang out with Milo and get your pic taken, it's gotta go up on the blog right?

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Me And Milo On The Couch.

Yeah, Milo and I were hangin' on the couch last night, I know all the ladies are jealous.

Friday, May 25, 2007

Bring You Puppy To Work Day!

Milo went with me today on a computer consulting job, he managed to stay comfy.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Milo And A Bone.

Nothing exciting today, just Milo and a new bone to chew on. Man he loves those things...

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Milo's New Bear.

Milo got a new bear a few days ago, it's now his new favorite toy to hump chew on.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Turnin' The Bed Upside Down.

Milo was apparently not so happy with the bed configuration today... He gets his cone off and thinks he can just do whatever he wants!

Monday, May 21, 2007

And The Cone Comes Off!

Nothing like getting a cone off your head and a nice clean bath!

I keep telling him, "Chick dig scars..."

You can see what he really thinks of his cone in these pics...

Daily Milo is back to being well, daily, so be sure to check in everyday to see how Milo's progress is doing.

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Look If You Dare.

Here's a link to a few photo's of Milo's wounded eye, it's not to horrible but nothing I'm gonna post here on the blog. Milo's new cone head, lampshade, satellite dish, "stitch protection device" has yet to slow him down a bit! He still goes into psycho mode about twice a day and sprints around the house, chewing and flings toys (and shoes) about as he goes.

So now I feel is a good time to get some pics and videos up of him, expect the blog to be back up to "daily" status after the weekend.

Monday, May 14, 2007

A Picture I Had To Share.

Oh, with this being not such a good day, it was good to walk in and find this humorous scene. As funny as he looks in his cone head, this picture is made even better with three of his paws hangin' out of the cage.

Milo went to the vet today and everything is progressing fine. She (the vet) said the stitches look good and there a normal amount of swelling, hopefully his cone can come off in 10 long days.

Milo's Bad Day.

Let me start off with saying that Milo is doing well, and is going to recover fine.

Milo was over at a relatives yesterday and got bit by a much bigger dog than him. The bite is just under his left eye, on his cheek I guess you could say. We rushed him to the Vet Hospital where they sewed him up and let us know that his eye nor his mouth was damaged in the attack.

Milo's hangin' in there, he's got a little cone on his head (much like Tanner here) and even though he's gotta be in obvious pain he's doing really good.

Niki and I have decided not to post any pics of Milo in his current state, for obvious reasons, so we will continue daily blogging of Milo once he gets closer to full recovery. I'll keep the blog updated with news on how the big guy is doing but I'm going to keep these progress update sans pictures so you'll know once you start seeing pics again that Milo is ready to show off again.

Thanks for everybody's support, like I said Milo is doing well, and if anybody wants to stop by and see him you're more than welcome, he still loves visitors!

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Milo's New Bed...

Milo seems to find all sorts of weird places to lay, this seems to be his new fav.

Friday, May 11, 2007

Milo Loves The Car.

This one is from last week but I think it's relevant again.

He loves the open air.

Checking himself out in the mirror.

This is my best double chin impression.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Why Would He Get On That?

For some reason Milo thought it would be a good idea to climb on top of the Xbox and my printer...

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

I Think Milo Might Be Insane.

You sure don't want him going after you...

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Yeah, He Wanted To Sleep There.

Strike 1...

Strike 2...

Strike 3, and he's out!
What better place to sleep than the end table. The couch and pillows aren't nearly as comfy as the wood and glass...

Monday, May 7, 2007

Milo's Mud Video.

Here's a video from todays mud fest.

Milo Playing In The Mud.

Here he is showing off his mud soaked fur from all his, running, digging, and rolling in the mud today.

Here's a better look at how muddy he got.

Not a care in the world... Until I hosed him down later.

Right in the water...

What better place to lay then right in a muddy puddle.

Sunday, May 6, 2007

Milo's Was A Hit On Cinco De Mayo.

Trying to steal my cookie...

That's what he gets for stuffin' him in a shirt!

He wants his ball back.

Milo's new favorite spot, I hope he doesn't try to get up there when he's 20 lbs.

For all the Cinco De Mayo photo's head on over to Adidat.

Saturday, May 5, 2007

Milo Sitting And Fetching.

Oh Chinese Milo, very good student...

He can sit...

Here he's seen demonstrating his great release technique...

Next we'll see if I can get him to start giving me his paw.