Sunday, January 13, 2008

Milo's Favorite Treats: Part 1.

Over the next few days I'm gonna highlight some of Milo's favorite bones/treats for all you dog lovers out there. Now due to Milo's small stature some of these bones might be little more than just a crumb for some dogs, but most of these bones have multiple sizes from mini to large.

Today feature is the Dingo brand Mega Bone. Now I've talked about Milo's obsession with Dingo Bones before, but the Mega Bone are nice because he can't finish them in 30 seconds...

Now just a fair warning with Dingo or any other brand that has a coloring or flavoring in it: It is very likely that when your dog get to chewing and slobbering on this treat that the dye will bleed all over. So whether your pup is on carpet, bed, couch, clothes, whatever, just be careful. Luckily for us, Milo's not a big slobber bucket so we don't have this issue, but Dingo Bones were banned for life at my parents house due to some red stains on the new white carpet.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'll give YOU a mega bone...
sorry, sorry, this is a family site, i'll take my British crudeness elsewhere...