Monday, March 31, 2008

A Shower Ater The Rain.

Milo hates being wet, so between all the flash flooding we've been having and trying to keep him clean, he's having a tough time staying dry...


Sunday, March 30, 2008

Milo The Lush.

Looks like someone had a little to much to drink tonight.

Should we tell him that his 1 year anniversary at doesn't happen till April 15th? Maybe he's just preparing for the big day...


Saturday, March 29, 2008

No Ice Cream For You!

Niki had a nice little after dinner treat tonight, and Milo thought he got dessert too.

To bad for Milo it was chocolate ice cream...


Friday, March 28, 2008

The Remains Of The 'Indestructible' Toy.

Back in February for Milo 1st Birthday we took him shopping to get some new toys.

One of the ones we picked out was labeled as "indestructible", so we decided to give it a try since he goes through most toys in 30 minutes or less. This one lasted almost a month, so we're getting better at least.

This is the face of killer. Don't ever bring your stuffed animals over...


Thursday, March 27, 2008

Sleepy Time.

I had computer work to do all day, so Milo decided to take it easy and have a nice long nap on the bed.


Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Hiding Under Glass.

I'm not really sure what Milo was up to here but someone should tell that it's not a 2-way mirror, I can see him too.


Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Not Interested In A Photo Op.

I got to see my brother for just a bit tonight while he is on Spring Break, and so of course I wanted to get a picture of him and Milo for the blog. Well, it turns out that right at photo time Milo decided to grab a bone. He wanted no part in the shot, so we'll call this candid shot 'artistic' on my part...


Monday, March 24, 2008

Finally Another Haircut.

After the last haircut disaster that was completely my fault, we can finally give Milo a trim again.

This time we went we just a little off the top, at least they trimmed those sharp claws nails too.


Sunday, March 23, 2008

Easter Means Food.

Easter here in the U.S. means lots of family and lots of food. If your part of the Winchester family that means even the four legged members get to eat too.

This piece wasn't intended for Milo, but Milo won't let anything get in the way of "his" food.

Now he tries to look away like he didn't do anything... We got you on camera buddy.


Saturday, March 22, 2008

Stuck Under The Couch (again).

Milo loves to gets his balls stuck under the couch, and then whine till we (Niki) get it for him.

Today Milo took matters into his own hands, and well look what it got him...

Yesterday I removed myself from the clutches of the evil Microsoft corporation and bought my first (of many) Apple computers. Being so new to Mac's I really know nothing about them, so bare with me if things are a little off for the next few weeks.


Friday, March 21, 2008

Almost Sunbathing Time Again.

Here in Missouri, the weather is starting to slowly get warmer. So Milo is itching to get back outside and go sunbathing again. Last year it was a morning ritual, we see if he starts it again.


Thursday, March 20, 2008

Milo's First Toy.

Milo isn't nice to his toys, he leaves them in the dirt, tears all the stuffing out, and leaves them in rags. But this duck is different.

This duck was one of the first toys (of the 10) that I bought before we even had Milo home. For some reason it's still in one piece, no holes, rips, or stuffing missing. Maybe it's because he doesn't play with it that often, maybe he likes it, who knows...


Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Teddy And Milo Meet (Again).

Every year Niki does some house/dog sitting for Teddy, the beautiful Sheltie.

It just so happens that last year while Niki was taking care of Teddy, we got Milo. On our way back from picking up Milo (4 hours away) we stopped by Teddy's for a bit, but we didn't let the two get too acquainted because we wanted to get Milo home for the first time.

But a year later is the perfect time to get these two to play with each other.

As you can see they got along just um, er, great? ;-)


Tuesday, March 18, 2008

The Mezmorizing Duck.

I got a new toy for Niki's little nephew Jacob, and Milo didn't know what to think about it.

It dances, it squawks when you pick it up by the head, and Milo was obsessed.

So I put it on the counter (so he wouldn't chew it up) and I go about my business, and even 30 minutes later Milo won't stop staring at it. So I had to put it in the closet, so Milo just sat there waiting for his new friend to come back out...


Monday, March 17, 2008

Milo And The Slide: From Above.

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Here's a little different view of Milo's newest addiction.


Sunday, March 16, 2008

Milo's Worn Out From His Night Away.

It looks like Grandpa wore Milo out yesterday, he didn't move all day.


Saturday, March 15, 2008

Milo's First Night Away.

Niki and I are going out of town this weekend to a wedding, so we're leaving Milo over at her parents house for the night.

We'll see how it goes, and somehow I think we'll miss him more than he'll miss us...


Friday, March 14, 2008

Milo Just Can't Enough Of The Slide.

Here's another view of Milo going down that same slide.


Thursday, March 13, 2008