Daily Milo is not quite so "daily" anymore but expect frequent updates about Milo and Dexter's adventures through life.
Monday, December 31, 2007
Sunday, December 30, 2007
Saturday, December 29, 2007
Friday, December 28, 2007
More Westies For The Holiday's.
So far I've got one email with puppy pictures, so I'd like to share Daisy and Duke with all the readers. Thanks to Daisy and Duke's mom for sending in the pic, I can't wait till Milo's coat is back to being that long and soft.
Again, if you've got any pictures of your pups (Westies or not) you can email me pictures of them and I'll post them up here on the blog. Please include your name, and if you want a story or background on how you got the pup(s).
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Milo Leaving Kansas City: Day 4.
The ride home was filled with entertainment... My parents let us take their Escalade on the trip home, so we had a little more room to stretch out.
Milo was still holding up in his standard "car surfing" position.
Milo was playing peek-a-boo with my 'little' bro.
My brother, much like Milo, is always up for a photo op.
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Monday, December 24, 2007
Milo In Kansas City: Day 2.
I got a cute shot of Milo and Niki our second night, just as Niki and I were going to leave to see The Plaza.
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Milo's Off To Kansas City: Day 1.
Milo went on his first big road trip, well since his 3 hours ride home from the breeders. I've got lots of pictures from our trip, and I'll fill in all the missing days.
While I was in KFC, Milo decided to drive!
And she yells at me for giving him food... Look at the shiny ring!
He finally got tired of watching the extremely boring Missouri to Kansas road trip, and took a nap.
Saturday, December 22, 2007
Niki, Milo, And Engagement!
I caught Niki as she was trying to nap with Milo.
He's always picture perfect.
Shortly after my post last night Niki and I went to dinner where I proposed to her! She (of course) said yes, and then we went and ate dinner with both of our parents. After that I had one more surprise for Niki, I had all of our friends waiting for us at a bar to celebrate our engagement. If you'd like to see some of our photo's check out my Flickr page here.
Also as another announcement, we will be leaving tomorrow to go visit my mom's family out of town. So as I've said before, I will still be taking plenty of pictures of Milo but the blog might not get caught up for a few days.
Friday, December 21, 2007
Sage Back To Hang With Milo.
Josh is back in town for the holidays and of course he brought his new pup Sage over to play.
Things get a little crazy when she's here...
All 16lbs of Milo trying to assert domination!
He quickly gave that up, and hid under the chair...
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Checkin' Out The Snow.
So while I was in excruciation shoulder pain after my appendicitis (I know shoulder pain! See 5 G) Milo was out looking at all the snow.
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Snow Time.
Tanner and Eddie always enjoy playing in the snow, we took Milo over to join in the fun.
Milo and Eddie get down to fighting as usual...
Even Tanner joined in on the activities, and had some fun running around.
They finally took a break from all the running around.
Milo was the last one in, he seems to enjoy the snow quite a bit.
Monday, December 17, 2007
Milo + Jacob = Lots Of Running.
Niki and I went and spent the night and her parents house last night. They have a recliner that was perfect for my strange post-surgery sleeping positions. Anyway Niki's nephew, Jacob, was more than happy to have a small friend to play with.
They had plenty of bonding time you know, with Jacob playing keep-a-way, and Milo trying to lick food off of Jacob's face you couldn't keep the two apart.
It's nice that Jacob is learning to share but, your pacifier with a dog is not a good thing to be sharing...
Eventually, Jaky had enough of Milo it seems, so he took off to go hide in his tent.
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Milo First Snow And My First Surgery!
It's been a big couple of days here in St. Louis! First off, we had our first snow of the season, something Milo has yet to experience. Also, I went into work Saturday morning with some mild belly pains that just wouldn't go away. So finally (men are so stubborn) I talked to one of the docs and he examined me, and then told that he was 90% sure that it was an appendicitis. So after some blood work and a CAT scan it was confirmed, so I was off to surgery. At any rate, this isn't A Daily Dose Of Jay, so let's get back to Milo.
At first Milo didn't really know what to think of the snow, he was just bunny hopping around trying to find the grass buried underneath the 4 or 5 inches of snow we had.
Looks like he found it!
Being white, you really can't see the snow that's caked in his fur. Likewise, he's extremely hard to spot in the snow!
He doesn't mind the snow one bit.
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Milo Get's A New Camera.
I went out and purchased a new camera today, the Sony Cyber-Shot DSC-W80 if you want to know. The 7.2 mega pixels camera shows you the fine details on Milo's face.
The collective readers of this website might not notice a big difference in the quality of the pictures, but it will make things much easier on the back end here at dailymilo.com.
One of the biggest problems I have with Milo is movement, he's a puppy and he's fast. He's not one to sit still for pics, so with Sony's "Super SteadyShot" technology that should help a bit. I trash tons of pictures due to a blurry subject (Milo) all the time, and sometimes you only get one chance at a great photo.
Here's a nice shot of the mantle that Niki and her mom decorated for the holiday's. Speaking of the holiday's, we will be doing some traveling to see family and thus I will be off the grid so to speak for a few days here and there over the next couple weeks.
Fear not I will still be taking plenty of pictures of Milo, but I might not get to post them that day. If you've got any holiday pictures of your family with your furry friend, be sure to send them to me and I'll post them up on the blog.